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“Partnering” by Jean Oelwang

Tangible lessons from 65+ of the world's most remarkable partnerships.


The Explorer Toolkits

Are you inspired by the Deep Connections in the book Partnering? Would you like to forge Deep Connections of your own, or solidify the ones you treasure?

Plus Wonder created the Explorer Toolkits, a series of workbooks to use alongside the book to draw more learning from the wisdom of these 65+ partnerships of purpose. Use these along with the other open-source materials in the Educators Library.

Download the entire series or individual degree workbooks below. Use these exercises separately or as a whole. Plus Wonder offers these resources for fair use for free. Those intending to use this content for profit should contact to discuss how we can partner together.

Download the Explorer Toolkits

PW-ET Full

The Full Toolkit

Explore the Six Degrees of Connection in this “light touch” workbook series filled with engaging exercises, supplemental videos, and calls to action in your own life. This download includes all Six Degree toolkits and begins with an introduction to the Plus Wonder framework.

38 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

The Full Explorer Toolkit
Degree 1 Toolkit

Learn how to lift your purpose through meaningful partnerships. This download includes one degree toolkit that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

8 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 1: Something Bigger
Degree 2 Toolkit

Learn how to feel safe in the relationship and know you 100% have each other’s back for the long run. This download includes one degree toolkit that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

8 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 2: All-in
Degree 3 Toolkit

Learn how to stay all-in through a moral ecosystem, alive with the daily practice of six essential virtues. This download includes one degree toolkit that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

13 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 3: The Ecosystem
Degree 4 Toolkit

Learn how to keep connected and strengthen your ecosystem. This download includes one degree toolkit that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

8 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 4: Magnetic Moments
Degree 5 Toolkit

Learn how to take the heat out of conflict and turn it into learning opportunities. This download includes one degree toolkit that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

7 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 5: Celebrate Friction
Degree 6 Toolkit

Learn a framework of design principles to scale collaborations. This download includes one degree toolkits that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

7 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 6: Collective Connections

Share your Connection Wins!

We want to know how YOU use the Explorer Toolkits to teach the Six Degrees of Connection.

Your Name(Required)
Please add any co-teachers or colleagues that partnered with you to use these toolkits.
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Please select the toolkit from this dropdown. If you used all the toolkits, please select the degree that garnered the most interest or focus.
We want to learn how you brought the Partnering wisdom into your classroom or company. Tell us which activities or partnerships you used, any adaptations you made to speak more directly to your learners, and any other details you would like to provide.
We can't wait to see how the partners' wisdom and your creativity combine to make meaning and agency in the minds of your learners. If you prefer to attach multiple files or add a video link to an email, please send to after submitting this form.
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.
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Plus Wonder Connection Architects

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