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“Partnering” by Jean Oelwang

Tangible lessons from 65+ of the world's most remarkable partnerships.


The Architect Toolkits


Plus Wonder offers many ways to explore and learn the Six Degrees of Connection to grow your own partnerships. If you’ve already read the book and completed the Explorer Toolkits via the online exercises or through our downloadable toolkits, now you’re ready to dive deeper with the Architect Toolkits. Collectively, these offer 190 pages covering 60+ activities, all free to download for Connection Architects.

Download individual degree toolkits below. Use these exercises separately or as a whole. Plus Wonder offers these resources for fair use for free. Those intending to use this content for profit should contact to discuss how we can partner together. We encourage educators to use our content within their Canvas courses, or wherever you publish your course content.

Degree 1 Toolkit

Learn how to lift your purpose through meaningful partnerships. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “Something Bigger” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

19 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 1: Something Bigger
Degree 2 Toolkit

Learn how to feel safe in the relationship and know you 100% have each other’s back for the long run. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “All-in” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

17 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 2: All-in
Degree 3 Toolkit

Learn how to stay all-in through a moral ecosystem, alive with the daily practice of six essential virtues. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “The Ecosystem” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

91 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 3: The Ecosystem
Degree 4 Toolkit

Learn how to keep connected and strengthen your ecosystem. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “Magnetic Moments” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

19 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 4: Magnetic Moments
Degree 5 Toolkit

Learn how to take the heat out of conflict and turn it into learning opportunities. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “Celebrate Friction” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

22 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 5: Celebrate Friction
Degree 6 Toolkit

Learn a framework of design principles to scale collaborations. This download includes one degree toolkit covering “Collective Connections” that begins with an introduction to the Six Degrees of Connection.

22 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally fillable pdf

Degree 6: Collective Connections
Bonus Download: Connection Circles

You may find that our toolkits speak to your needs to dive deep into the Six Degrees of Connection. But what if you want to engage others through discussion more casually and communally? Our Connection Circles are guides through each of the Six Degrees that spark deep discussions towards deeper connections. Connection Circles can be groups of 2 to 12 people who meet on a regular basis to explore and deepen their relationships.

1 zip file including 35 pages, full color, functions as six printable pdfs

Collection Circles

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