JUST Capital Leadership Summit x Jean Oelwang
In March, Co-founder Jean Oelwang was honored to speak at the JUST Capital Leadership Summit. In her session “The Power of Collaboration to Drive Change at Scale,” Jean spoke with moderator and JUST Capital CSO Alison Omens about what corporate leaders can learn from the 65+ Plus Wonder partnerships and apply to their work. They had a lively discussion about what individual actions can support their collective work towards systemic change to improve the lives of many workers.
One participant shared with Plus Wonder: “I’ve spent much of my career building partnerships, and they are powerful and fragile. When you build a real one, they are life-changing. I so appreciate your approach of interviewing iconic partners and seeing what makes them tick. You were really inspiring and made me pause and think more deeply about the way I lead and how I can help my team as well as the companies we work with. I’m thinking about the Six Degrees of Connection and how to make them real in all these realms, which is hard!”