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“Partnering” by Jean Oelwang

Tangible lessons from 65+ of the world's most remarkable partnerships.


Welcome, Connection Architect!

Once accepted, where do I begin?

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  • Brainstorm your reach: who do you have access to that could benefit greatly from partnering wisdom? Identify these audiences.
  • Download the Architect Toolkits: explore them with those audiences in mind. You can also download our Connection Circles guide for a new approach to engaging more informally in connection work.
  • Dream up opportunities: jot down different contexts in which you could reach those audiences, i.e. workshops, book clubs, etc. We call these Architect Opportunities.
  • If you haven’t already, read the book Partnering!

How can Connection Architects support our movement?


We want to multiply the impact of our Architects by building upon each other’s hard work and to highlight those who are helping our collective lift of Deep Connection and collaboration.

That’s why we want you to share the details of your Architect Opportunities early and often!

This information helps us gauge our collective movement building and keep track of key metrics that show our progress towards a more connected world.

What other benefits do I receive as a Connection Architect?


We are grateful for the network that is assembling to help us inspire partnership at scale. As tokens of our gratitude and in addition to the access and support above, we offer the following benefits to our Connection Architect community:

  • Access to Live Conversations with Jean & our Plus Wonder partners (both virtual and in-person)
  • Exclusive “Partnering in Education” virtual sessions with top educational leaders
  • In-person annual gatherings to meet and celebrate our community
  • Special rates for customized professional development services for your organization
  • Earn the opportunity to connect your organization to a Plus Wonder partnership challenge for education, which offers prize money for winning submissions
  • Get first access to new resources developed by Plus Wonder

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