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News and Events

June 20, 2024

Leaders Nexus x Jean Oelwang

Cofounder Jean Oelwang was honored to lead a half-day workshop on authentic trust at the Leaders Nexus Experience in Guernsey. The audience—a cohort of CEOs drawn from public & professional services, mining sector consultancy, military, faith, building merchants, and the UK National Health Service—explored with Jean how trust enables people to partner together for the betterment of all.

Founder of Leaders Consultancy, Phil Eyre, shares his thoughts on her presence at the experience:

Jean’s deep experience in relating with leaders was immediately recognised. She led her session with gentle authority, drawing out ideas from the whole group, quickly establishing an openness and depth that enabled the group to explore personal experiences, professional opportunities and global issues in a highly meaningful way.

She is an expert listener, conveys empathy and communicates with keen clarity. She left a lasting impression, including the inspiration for many of the group to make tangible changes in the way they are leading. We have invited Jean to our next leaders group and delighted that she is willing and able to join us.

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