Rethink Valentine's Day

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Honor your Deep Connections this Valentine's Day, not just the romantic ones.

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6th Degree of Connection


A framework of design principles to scale collaborations, with Deep Connections at the center as role models, hubs of momentum, and connective tissue.

Watch the video above for a concise but meaningful overview of Collective Connections.

Building Collective Connections of people and keeping up the momentum as they drive toward shared goals is not an easy process.

Water Cycle #3. Martin Hill and Philippa Jones

Water Cycle #3. Martin Hill and Philippa Jones

It takes hard work and a commitment to be All-In. Fortunately, the Plus Wonder partnerships continually show us that this is not only possible, but essential for our survival.

We have much to learn from how these partnerships built their own Deep Connections, which they then expanded to wider collectives, and, in many cases, nurtured movements that have lasted for decades.

6th Degree of Connection Exercises

What is a movement, a passion, a Something Bigger that calls to you?
List the projects/organizations that inspire you and align with your Something Bigger.

Imagine gathering a group of your closest Deep Connections and sharing your passion for these projects.

Who would you invite and why?
What would be an ideal outcome?
How can you make this a reality? Make 1-2 commitments you can take right now to start creating and building your Collective Connections.

Now go do the thing!

We would love for you to join us in building relationships that matter.

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