Rethink Valentine's Day

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Honor your Deep Connections this Valentine's Day, not just the romantic ones.


News and Events

March 12, 2022

Maria Shriver: Looking for more meaning in your life or to amplify your impact?

“When you think about partnerships, where does your mind go? Your business partners? Lovers? Friends? Jean Oelwang, author of the new book Partnering: Forge the Deep Connections That Make Great Things Happen, says each one of these different types of partnerships is important to consider. In fact, Oelwang insists that building deeper connections in both our personal and professional lives is the foundation of a meaningful life.

Oelwang would know. Over the course of the last 15 years, she’s conducted hundreds of interviews with people in more than 60 great partnerships and looked at how these connections have had profound ripple effects on everything her interviewees have done in their lives. The happy result? Oelwang’s learnings have so much to offer the rest of us on how we can achieve more, withstand anything, and amplify our impact by focusing on the partnerships in our own lives.

We sat down with Oelwang to ask her for the secrets to building relationships that matter, what surprised her the most throughout her research, and what all of us can do starting today to strengthen our own connections and forge new partnerships that may help us serve a greater purpose.

Read the full article here.

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