Rethink Valentine's Day

Send an ecard to your partner

Honor your Deep Connections this Valentine's Day, not just the romantic ones.



percent of global employees are lonely, according to a 2024 Gallup poll, and it’s worse for younger workers and those who are fully remote.


of people would not be willing to work in the same company as someone who has strongly opposing views, according to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer.

How can Deep Connections transform your business? Can connection and collaboration bring deeper job satisfaction and incredible results?

Many of our 65+ inspirational partnerships are business partners who have built deep, meaningful connections that changed their lives and the lives of so many others for the better. We have created and curated various resources and programs to support colleagues in exploring the Six Degrees of Connection. Let’s tell you more about them:


Engage your team in thoughtful discussions aimed to promote Deep Connections—inspired by our partners—by downloading our Connection Circles guide.

Connection Circles can be groups of 2 to 12 people who meet on a regular basis to explore and deepen their relationships. Don’t forget to tell us you’ve circled up!

1 zip file including 35 pages, full color, functions as six printable pdfs

Download Connection Circles
PW-ET Full

Bake the Six Degrees of Connection into your team’s norms and commitments.

Dive into the Six Degrees of Connection Explorer Toolkits and go from colleague to partner with activities inspired by our model partnerships.

1 file including 38 pages, full color, functions as a printable or digitally-fillable pdf

Download the Explorer Toolkits

Build your network of like-minded executives and dive deeper into our full set of resources by becoming a Team Connection Architect.

Connection Architects span education, business, and beyond. They are the fuel for our movement to spark relationship reset. Join our meet-ups, get inspired, and enrich your business with the deep wisdom of our model partners.

Become a Team Connection Architect
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Share Your Partnering Story

Do you have your own story to share of Deep Connections and partnership in the field of business and entrepreneurship?
We are always on the lookout to share your stories from the field.

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We would love for you to join us in building relationships that matter.

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